In 2007, 4 months after Noah was born, God called us to a town called Ashland, Ky. It was 8 hours away from all our family and friends. Brandon had been called to be their full time youth minister and associate pastor. It was very difficult because our little home town of Milan had been where the both of us had grown up our entire lives. We had prayed and prayed about our decision and knew that God was calling and we had to go. We wanted and still want to remain in God's will for our lives. This move was emotional. We were happy- a new beginning, new home, new friends, new church, new lives to influence. We were sad- leaving family, leaving friends, Noah was only 16 weeks old, coming out of our comfort zone.
Hello Ashland, Kentucky !!

We lived in Ashland for 2 years in our wonderful apartment!
Our apartments faced the back, so we were fortunate to have the Ohio River in our back yard!
While serving in Ky, we met wonderful wonderful friends :) Some we will never ever forget! Our Sunday School class was filled with great couples! You know that friends will last a lifetime, when you move 8 hours away and you still talk, cry together, and miss each other like CRAZY! OH, and when you drive 8 hours just to see them!! But, I will do another post on our KY friends later....we do miss them dearly! So, in July of 2009, Brandon and I felt God calling us back to our home town to serve at a Christian School as a Bible teacher and for Brandon to preach on the weekend for pastors needing a fill-in. I was soooo excited to be moving back closer to our families, but then again sad to leave friends that were just as close as family!
We recieved the call on a Thursday afternoon that Brandon had got the job and we had to be packed up and in Milan on the following Tuesday for his inservice. Talk about a quick transition! I had our home packed by Sunday night and we were leaving town on a Monday morning.
July 2009- Hello Milan, TN
Moving quickly, we had no time to even look for a place to live. Brandon's parents graciously allowed us to live in the back portion of their home. We stayed their 6 months. During that 6 months we searched for the perfect home that fit our budget, I started teaching 4 year old preschool students, Noah first ER experience , and we found out that our 2nd child would make an arrival in May 2010.
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